Sunday, March 27, 2005

False Fractals

They're called the "black helicopter crowd"-- those on the Right fringe who see conspiracy in every government or Big Business action. Their roots go back at least as far as the Birchers and "fluoridation is a commie plot". A new crowd of paranoids has arisen with the first election of W. As the election was "fraudulent" and "stolen", any of his subsequent actions, whether failed or fruitful, are part of the grand Rovian plot. Maybe the Bushies were even responsible for 9-11; Left craziness, meet Isalmofascism.

Captain Ed (link) writes, "the peculiar desire in humanity to see patterns and conspiracies where none exists always made us vulnerable to Gnostic-like fables." His post is a commentary on the Church's rebuke of the "Da Vinci Code". I suggest that the conspiracy-susceptibles are seduced by "false fractals". The typical susceptibles see an apparent pattern, one for which they are on the lookout. The template for the anti-W suscepts consists of a set of "axioms": W. is dumb. He takes his marching orders from the smart, but evil people around him: Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld. If W. clearly succeeds, there's a dark, not silver-lining to the invisible cloud that doesn't obscure the success. A false fractal could consist of a triangle embedded in a pentagon embedded in a square. See the pattern!

Happy Easter!